Grade 3 - Music Class
3rd Grade - 1st and 2nd Quarter Music Benchmarks
Pr4.2 - A. Demonstrate understanding of the structure in music
* I can read and clap quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests with correct rhythm and a steady beat.
Pr6.1 - A. Perform music with expression and technical accuracy
Apply correct techniques during performance.
* I can play an ostinato with good rhythm and to a steady beat on a percussion instrument
Pr4.3 – A. Demonstrate and describe how intent is conveyed through expressive qualities.
* I can identify an instrument or instrument family by sight or sound from
the orchestra
Re7.2 Analyze - A. Identify the use of specific musical concepts in various styles of music.
* I can audiate and tell if a melody or rhythm pattern is same or different.
3rd Grade - 3rd & 4th Quarter Music Benchmarks
Pr4.2 - A. Demonstrate understanding of the structure in music
* I can read and clap whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests with correct rhythm and to a steady beat.
* I can listen and identify rhythms with quarter notes, eighth notes, half notes, and
quarter rests.
* I can listen to, identify, and sing solfege patterns - so, mi, and la.
Pr4.2 – B. Sing or play a variety of simple songs alone and with others, containing level-appropriate expressive elements and elements of music.
* I can sing a simple song using appropriate pitches, rhythm, and to a steady beat
Re7.2 - A. Describe the manner in which a response to music can be informed by specific musical concepts and context (personal and social).
* I can identify an instrument or instrument family by sight or sound from
the orchestra and tell how the sound is produced.