Sports Co-Curricular Program (Cancelled until further notice)

*S.M.A.R.T. goal (Big Idea):

As an extension of our Physical Education program, ALL students from Grades 3 - 6 will be given an opportunity to represent SLES to the best of their academic, athletic, & behavioral capabilities OFF & on the playing field. 


*DOE's Extracurricular Goals

*National Sport Coaches Standards (SHAPE)



To implement a co-curricular after-school program for student-athletes to: 1) practice good nutrition, physical, & health  choices, 2) become physical active, 3) Focus on GLOs #1-6 & Habits of Mind Character, traits, & to 4) have them find a sense of belonging & to build positive relationships.

AP Alignment – Goal 3: Successful Systems for Support. The system and culture of Salt Lake Elementary School works to effectively organize financial, human, and community resources in support of student success.

Accreditation Alignment – Identify WASC criterion:

Culture of Trust, Respect, and Professionalism: E2.3. Indicator: The school has a culture where all stakeholders are respected, welcomed, supported, and feel safe at school: socially, emotionally, intellectually, and physically.

VISION: Supporting Life-Long Learners to Excel and Succeed
MISSION: To support an environment where our community works together to provide learning opportunities that develop productive and responsible global citizens.
MOTTO: “Dolphin P.R.I.D.E.” Practicing Respect, Integrity and Demonstrating Excellence
*Parent cooperation in having to transport your child or volunteer to help other players' if needed. Participants are NOT allowed to ride with coaches or DOE Staff.

Rules (TRIBES) & Consequences:

(see pic. attachment on right below)

1) Cross Country (Sept. -  Oct.)
Who: 6th graders  (2-miles) coed
Practices, Where, When: TBA
*Notes: Top 2 gender team trophies awarded plus Top 10 individual medals
2) Basketball (Dec. - Mar.) 
Who: 5th - 6th graders coed
Practices, Where, When: SLES, SLDP. TBA
Games, Where, When: TBA
3) Track & Field Complex (Feb. - April)
Who: 6th graders coed
Practices/Meets, Where, When: SLES TBA
4) Volleyball (April - June) 
Who: 5th - 6th graders coed
Practices, Where, When: SLES, SLDP. TBA
Games, Where, When: TBA