Grade 2 Curriculum 2021-2022
2nd Grade Curriculum is based upon
☺ Common Core State Standards
☺ Hawaii Content and Performance Standards
☺ GLOs (General Learner Outcomes)
☺ NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards)
☺ Habits of Mind, Thinking Skills, & Thinking Maps
English / Language Arts – based on Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
- Focus on Decoding (MSL-Multi-Sensory Learning), Reading Comprehension, Reader Response, and Fluency in reading in both Literature & Informational texts
- Implement Wonders curriculum
Writing – based on Hawaii Content and Performance Standards (HCPS)
Introduction and Practice of
- Letter Writing
- Opinion Writing
- Narrative Writing
- Informational Writing
- Punctuation, Spelling, & Grammar (Conventions)
Mathematics – based on Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
- Fluently adding & subtracting within 20 using mental strategies
- Using addition and subtraction strategies within 100
- Counting to 1,000, skip counting by 5s, 10s, & 100s & determining odd or even numbers
- Reading, writing, & determining place value numbers to 1,000
- Using problem solving strategies & solving word problems
- Counting money including dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, & pennies
- Telling time to the nearest five minutes
- Measuring in inches, feet, centimeters, & meters using rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, & measuring tapes
- Describing fractions of halves, thirds, & fourths
- Identifying triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, & cubes
- Collecting data, analyzing, & graphing using picture graphs & bar graphs
- Partitioning rectangles into same-size squares
Science – based on Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- Interactions & Life Cycles of Living Things
- Introduction to the Scientific inquiry (Scientific Method)
- Identifying Environments & Organisms in that environment
- Classifying, Identifying, & Changing physical properties of objects
- Identifying the properties of magnets
Social Studies – based on Hawaii Content and Performance Standards (HCPS)
- School & Classroom Rules
- Current Events
- Families, Neighborhoods & Communities
- Social Skills
- Geography, Maps & Globes
- Citizenship
- Economics – Needs & Wants
- Government Agencies
- Natural, Capital & Human Resources & Conservation
- Constructing Timelines
Music – based on Hawaii Content and Performance Standards (HCPS)
- Beat Competency
- Singing with head voice
- Rhythm/Pitch
Health – based on Hawaii Content and Performance Standards (HCPS)
- Nutrition & Body Functions
- Health Support
- Hygiene, Healthy Habits, & Behaviors
- Friends & Family Members
- Stress & How to Manage Stress
Career Education – based on Hawaii Content and Performance Standards (HCPS)
- Personal Goal Setting
Technology – based on Hawaii Content and Performance Standards (HCPS)
- Keyboarding Skills
- Word Processing Skills
- Exploration of various programs, use of Google Chrome browser
Art – based on Hawaii Content and Performance Standards (HCPS)
- Exploration of various art materials and media
- Introduction to art techniques
- Introduction to the elements of art
- Art Appreciation
Physical Education– based on Hawaii Content and Performance Standards (HCPS)
- Locomotor Skills (running, jumping, hopping, leaping, sliding, galloping)
- Non-Locomotor Skills (twisting, balancing, pushing, pulling)
- Manipulative Skills (throwing, catching, striking, kicking)
- Neat and legible formation