Grade 2 » General Learner Outcomes (GLOs)

General Learner Outcomes (GLOs)

GLO #1 - Self-Directed Learner
  • I can complete the assigned work.
  • I can tell what I need to improve on and follow through.
GLO #2 - Community Contributor
  • I can work with others.
  • I can show respect to others.
  • I can follow school rules.
GLO #3 - Complex Thinker
  • I can use what I know to learn new things.
  • I can make decisions that show respect for others.
  • I can think of new/different ways to solve problems.
GLO #4 - Quality Producer
  • I can set criteria for quality work.
  • I can recognize quality work.
  • I can stay on task to do quality work.
GLO #5 - Effective Communicator
  • I can listen attentively.
  • I can speak or write to express ideas.
  • I can understand what I read.
GLO #6 - Effective and Ethical User of Technology
Please inquire with Mrs. Contee (Computer Teacher) for information regarding this GLO.