Grade 6 » "I Can" Statements

"I Can" Statements


Salt Lake Elementary School

General Learner Outcomes

Grade 6 “I Can” Statements



General Learner Outcomes



“I Can” Statements

GLO #1

Self Directed Learner

·       I can set achievable goals to work towards long range goals.

·       I can complete all my assignments on time.

·       I can use my time and resources wisely to achieve my goals.

·       I can work independently to fulfill my obligations/goals.

GLO #2

Community Contributor

·       I can follow all school-wide/classroom rules.

·       I can respectfully contribute to our learning community.

·       I can collaborate with others to complete a given task.

·       I can act responsibly.

GLO #3

Complex Thinker

·       I can use what I already know to learn new skills and gain information

·       I can consider multiple viewpoints when making a decision.

·       I can think creatively and find multiple solutions.

·       After making a decision or finding a solution, I can make changes that help to improve it.

GLO #4

Quality Producer


·       I can set criteria based on the Common Core State Standards and the Hawaii Content Performance Standards to meet or exceed it.

·       I can use feedback to self-assess my work and improve it if necessary

GLO #5

Effective Communicator

·       I can make observations and draw conclusions.

·       I can be an active listener.

·       I can read with understanding

·       I can speak or write to convey ideas/information effectively.

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